Please note that Shorthand is not free software: If you decide you want to keep Shorthand you must register and purchase a permanent License as described below.
Please read
the Warranty and License Agreement carefully before purchasing a license.
In particular, note that purchasing a license indicates that you
have thoroughly evaluated and tested Shorthand and found it
acceptable for your purposes. Since each license is personalized with your
we do not accept returns or issue refunds for licenses!
We offer two types of Licenses: Time-limited licenses allow you to use the Shorthand software for a specified amount of time. Time-limited licenses include FREE UPGRADES to future versions of Shorthand while your license is active.
Non-expiring licenses allow ONE PERSON (the person named in the License USER ID)
to use a specific version of
Shorthand with no end date;
Unlike the Time-limited Licenses,
non-expiring licenses DO NOT include free upgrades to future
versions of Shorthand.
Step 1: Download and install Shorthand.
Step 2: Evaluate and test Shorthand.
Step 3: Send payment.
Step 4: Wait for your Registration ID to arrive. Wait for your Registration ID to arrive via e-mail. It normally takes about 1 to 2 working days for us to process your order. If you do not hear from us within 2 business days (7 business days for eChecks): Your email program may be blocking our messages; please check your SPAM or BULK folder. To activate Shorthand, you must enter your Registration ID into Shorthand. Click here for instructions on entering your Registration ID. You will NOT lose your word lists when you enter your new Registration ID and you do not have to reinstall the Shorthand software.
Please Note: