Shorthand for WindowsTM
Version 10 Revision History

Alternative Method to Print Word Lists (November 18, 2024)

Instead of using the File | Print to File option in Shorthand, here is an alternative way to print out your word lists to a comma-separated (CSV) text file (these instructions apply to Shorthand Version 8.70b and later):

  1. Download this TCL file into your Shorthand folder: sh_print_all_to_google_sheets_csv.tcl
  2. From Shorthand's FILE menu, open the Shorthand dictionary you want to print.
  3. From Shorthand's File menu, choose Tcl Script.
  4. Click the OPEN button and load in "sh_print_all_to_google_sheets_csv.tcl"
  5. Click the Eval Script button. This will save your word list to a "CSV" text file.
  6. Bring up a word processor (e.g. Microsoft Word) and open the .CSV text file you created in step 5.
    You can then print out the contents of the file.
    Alternatively, if you have Google account, you can import the CSV file into Google Sheets and display them in a columnar format. (You can open a free Google account at

Version 10.14 (November 7, 2020)
Version 10.11 (November 14, 2015)
Version 10.01b (January 25, 2013)
Version 10.00 (First Released February 1, 2007)

Revision History for Version 9

Revision History for Version 8

Revision History for Versions 7 and earlier.

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